Hurricane Donna, Gloria, Bob and now Irene. These are the significant Atlantic hurricanes that I recall the most.
I was a young girl in 1960 when Donna came over Cape Cod. What I remember the most about that storm was my father piling us all into his "jalopy" during the eye of the storm to drive the loop in Chatham, to see the effects of the storm before it started up again. I recall the flooding, and branches and leaves being everywhere, but most of all I recall how calm it was compared to the hours before and the hours after.
For hurricane Gloria in 1985, I was on the island of Manhattan and being a true New Yorker at the time, I was, for the most part oblivious, although I did keep an eye on what was happening on the east end of Long Island where friends had a boat in Sag Harbor.
Hurricane Bob was the one that affected me physically the most. It was August in 1991, I lived on the east end of Long Island and ran a bed & breakfast in my home which was a former whaling captain's house. Tornadoes "touched down" in Noyac, just around the corner and winds brought down several very tall trees in my yard, just missing one of our cars. It also wreaked havoc with power lines and we were without electricity for over four days. Electricity was restored and the trees were cleared away (at an exorbitant price) just in time for the next weekend's guests. Whew!
And now, Irene. I have never heard such preparation for a storm of any sort. Between the Weather Channel and our politicians, they have truly convinced me of the danger that comes with this not-so-little lady, but I must say the anticipation is agonizing. We knew she was coming and every detail of her characteristics and quirks has been broadcast to advise, inform, and prepare us - I'm exhausted and she hasn't even reached us yet. The stores are empty now of the throngs of people who have emptied the shelves of water, flash lights, cereal, canned ravioli, paper towels and, of course, batteries. I'm looking forward to the end of this weekend (that's a first), when we'll know how the story ended.
Good luck to us all, and please stay safe.