First Sunset of the New Year on Baker Beach San Francisco CA ©2015 Claudia Ward
It's hard for me to believe that it was five years ago this week that I began Open Window as a blog to feature posts on travel, food, photography and life in the "not-so-fast lane". Not unlike last year, posts to Open Window were less frequent this year as attention had to be paid to building the business part of our photography venture and to participating in art shows whenever possible. We did travel some, starting the year in San Francisco, taking a slow road trip south to visit friends and sisters in Florida in the Spring, and swinging by Newport RI, on the way back from the Cape, for the start of the Newport Bermuda Race in June.
Newport Bermuda Race Start 2014 © Claudia Ward
Summer found us attending any and all art festivals that we could find on either fork of the East End, researching tents, displays, and transport. We were pleasantly surprised by how helpful and forthcoming so many of the artists are, making us feel more confident about our decision to embark on the Art Festival Circuit this year. We've bought a tent, a trailer, and lots of prints, and have been accepted into two juried shows and have seven other applications pending. This is going to be a year filled with lots of learning and adventure, and we're looking forward to it with excited trepidation. Please do stay tuned.
Art Show Booth
Our photography was focused much closer to home this year which resulted in a series of still life projects centered on all manner of fruits and vegetables. Those shoots were some of my happiest days this year and I'm glad to be able to share some of the images with you now.
Basil & Tomatoes © 2014 Claudia Ward
As always thank you all for your continued interest and support. I hope you enjoy this summary slide show of 2014 - Open Window's fifth year!
Happy New Year everyone!
I sometimes forget what gorgeous photographs you take. Really so many beautiful images you have captured In a huge variety of places. It is hard to believe it has been 5 Years though.
How lucky we are you still are snapping and posting! :))
Happy 2015
Hope it is your best yet!
Posted by: Ally | Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 05:49 PM
Kitty, I'm thrilled that the food photos make you hungry, I guess I achieved what I wanted.
Posted by: Claudia | Friday, January 16, 2015 at 08:16 AM
A joyous and calming treasury of vibrant images! Thanks for this radiant treat on a snow-covered day here in Ontario, Canada. One little problem: should not be viewed when one is the least bit hungry! "Eat a snack before watching!"
Posted by: Kitty Wilson-Pote | Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 02:09 PM
Time does fly when you're having fun and looks like you had lots of it. I appreciate all of the hard work that went into it as well and wish you the very best for 2015!
Posted by: BAFA Studio | Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 11:02 AM