A week ago, Peter and I stumbled upon an event that we didn't know was happening at the end of our street. Going out around dusk for a short walk before dinner, we found our street lined with parked cars just like it is during the summer and were perpelexed about what could be going on to attract so many people. Well at the end of our street is our Community House and that's where the Lion's Club was sponsoring a pumpkin carving contest. It was really well attended and the carvings were diverse, detailed, and original. Even though some were carved with stencils, the skill and techniques used to make them all were original.
There was a pumpkin carved with amazing profiles, an owl carving, a 3D Surfer, a Mr. Peanut, a flashing cat, a one-eyed alien, a mushroom cap creation, a totem pole of pumpkins, and the Compost Zombie (a.k.a. The Walking Dead) - the winner. Fun was had by one and all, and we wanted to share a glimpse of our community life here on the east end of Long Island, after the summer people have gone.
Hope you enjoyed your Halloween.
Pumpkin Carving Video and iPhone Photos by Peter Tooker