Anyone see the surfing fish?
Pareidolia (par-i-DOH-lee-a) ... what, you might ask is that? Well, according to the internet it's a "psychological phenomenon that causes some people to see or hear a vague or random image or sound as something significant". You know, people sometimes say they see animals in the clouds, or a man in the moon.
You might also ask how I came to know this word, well for that I can thank my older sister. How she "ran across" it is anyone's guess but when she did she thought of me because I'd just done that post where I saw all sorts of characters in the waves I'd photographed. Remember, "Characters in the Waves"? I saw Pixies, a Serpent, Clowns, and even Lord Voldemort in those cresting waves. Little did I know I was afflicted with a "psychological phenomena". Here I thought I simply had an over-active imagination. Well it's happened again. Please tell me you see the surfing fish!
Yeah Sal!
Posted by: Claudia | Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 09:59 AM
I actually can see it!!!!!!!
Posted by: Sally | Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 09:26 PM