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Monday, January 09, 2012


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Thank you so much Ally, I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I love all of your feedback!

Ally de Groat

that was really a great slide show.
I had forgotten how many beautiful photos you have taken and posted. I have to confess my favorites remain the horses- racing and grazing as well as the waves and ice sailing. And of course there was hawaii.
really gorgeous and such nice music as well.


Congratulations, Claudia and Peter, on two years of "Open Window"; hope there will be many more! I enjoyed this year's slide show as much as last year's.....and faithfully read each Open Window e-mail I receive.
All the best, Mary


I am thrilled by all your responses. Sharon your retirement will be equally enjoyed. Monty and Runa, your participation takes my breath away. Sally, paul and Barbara, your loyalty and interest is truly breathtaking to me.

Sharon Keane

What a joy to be able to live my retirement vicariously through you two and I never have to leave the comfort of my desk!!! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations, Bloggers! Sharon Keane

Edward (Monty) and Runa Mackenzie

Horses - YES! Scenery - Yes! Food - YES!

I resolve to stop being wedded to this machine and get out and about - as you two remarkable ones Claudia and Peter.

Thank you for your example and your expertise to share...

Love from us - Runa and Monty


Its hard to believe that it has been two years!

Paul Angotta

Here;s to many more years of beautiful pictures and shared experiences - enjoy!!

BAFA Studio

Congratulations on your second year blogging Claudia!!!

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