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Thursday, May 13, 2010


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My name is Bharet and I am the co-owner of Co Co. Sala. THANK YOU for not just the gracious review but the time and effort that you took to write and document the experience. I am always hopeful that we get these types of reactions from people and I am thrilled to bits that you had an amazing experience. Kieran is certanly very good and interestingly enough we recently won "Most Friendly Staff"...

Anyhow, if and when you come to Co Co. Sala again, please email us at [email protected]. I always like to reach out and hopefully meet as many patrons as possible.

Take care and a pleasure to have you!

Bharet Malhotra

Coco, a.k.a. Claudia

Kieran, Many thanks for everything and we're thrilled that you liked the post.

Kieran Lahmann

I really like your article and the slide-show. It was a pleasure to meet you both, it is always a treat to serve guests that love dining at CoCo Sala as much as I love working there. I'll be sure the owner sees your blog.


One of my best friends nickname is CoCo.........loved the article......



Been meaning to tell you that I discovered "Les Halles" in DC the last time I was in town! It had a big sign in the window that said .... "For Rent" Bummer, I know.


There are no words, oh my palette is going into shock! I also would appreciate the name of the the muscians playing that very smooth jazz AND please send me the photos when you get back... what wonderful experiences you are having. Thanks for taking us with you.


Returned for dinner yesterday and "Oh My!". We had the same waiter, who is absolutely wonderful and such fun. The food and waiter combination is unbeatable in our estimation. Run don't walk to Co Co Sala the next time you're in DC, but note we were told that they will be discontinuing lunch in the next month or two.


Sounds and looks absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!! I hope you took some samplings with you.


Charlie, "Hey Now" by Red Garland is what Apple told me. We like it too.


I knew I liked your name for more than one reason!! Looks great. But PLEASE tell me what tune & artist kept my feet moving while my salivary glands were on overload!!!!

Nancy Karp

OMG...I want to go there NOW. They didn't have anything like that when I lived on F street when I went to GWU-probably a good thing. Enjoying reading about your travels. I wish your travels would take you to Wellesely in June!

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